Welcome to 2024 TEAM BUILD!
Team Design and Build Construction Contest Rules and Description/Waiver
Date: October 17-18, 2024
Location: Tuscaloosa Career and Technology Academy, Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35401
The Resource Center for Technology, in cooperation with Tuscaloosa Career and Technology Academy, and several participating industries, will sponsor a construction Team Build contest on October 17-18, 2024. The contest participants will be students enrolled in Alabama career and technical education programs.
The purpose of this contest is to showcase the skills of students enrolled in carpentry/building trades and electrical programs in Alabama Career and Technical programs and to call attention to the home building and industrial/commercial construction industry in Alabama.
Any student enrolled in an approved Alabama Career and Technical Education construction and electrical program.
What Does It Cost For A Team To Participate?
There is no registration fee. Teams must provide their own travel, lodging, and tools. Two lunches will be provided.
Public Relations
The contest can be a huge public relations event for all participating schools, for Workforce Development in general, for the home building industry and commercial/industrial construction in Alabama. Every attempt will be made to have local media in attendance. Public announcements will be placed in local news outlets and invitations will be extended to the general public and building contractors from all areas of the state encouraging their attendance.
Contest Description
In today’s workforce teamwork is essential and it is important that students learn to work in teams while learning the skills necessary for earning and maintaining employment in the construction field. Although it is not possible to build a home in two days, the contest will include many of the skills students are learning in the home building and other construction-related areas. The Team Design and Build Contest will replicate the National SkillsUSATeamWorks contest as much as possible. The event will consist of a seven member construction team of career and technical students that will build a structure that cannot exceed 10 feet in length or 8 feet in width. Each interior wall will have one electrical outlet, and there will be one switch box and one ceiling light, plus an exterior light and the electrical panel box. Additional items may be added by the contest committee to allow students to use creativity and innovation.
Team Structure
A team will consist of a maximum of five building construction students and two electrical students. Team members can be all from one school if the school has both construction and electrical programs. If a school wishes to enter and only has one of the programs, the school may “borrow” team members from another school. All students must be enrolled in an approved State Department of Education career and technical education program. Carpentry students must be enrolled in carpentry or building construction, and electrical students must be enrolled in an electrical, building construction, or any program in which basic electrical skills are taught. Agricultural students are eligible if enrolled in an agricultural construction program that includes basic skills in carpentry or electricity.
A school may enter a maximum of one team. Any team members that are borrowed from another school must be included with the school that registers. All students and instructors must register and complete all necessary documentation before the team will be considered as registered.
Clothing Requirements
Student dress will consist of normal workplace dress for the construction industry. No sleeveless shirts of any type will be allowed, nor can students wear shorts or cutoff jeans. Only steel toed leather shoes will be allowed. Safety glasses with side shields or goggles and hard hats must be worn by all team members. Some tasks may involve the use of gloves.
Tool Requirements
Each team will be required to furnish their own tools. Students may wear a tool belt, but it is not required. Circular saws and drills may be cordless or electrical. Nail guns that operate on a small compressor may be used by a team; however, no large compressors may be used. Battery operated nail guns may be used however the team must furnish their own nails. Cell phones, earphones, or any other devices will not be allowed in the contest area or lunch and break area at any time. In reality, students will be without these devices during the contest day. It is best to leave these with your instructor. Students are not allowed to converse with instructors until the end of the day.
Instructors and students must certify they have received safety training on all tools and building procedures for the contest. Each participant and their instructor will be required to sign a statement releasing the Resource Center, TCTA, any committee member, contest official or volunteer from personal injury resulting from any actions during the contest.
A designated person(s) will inspect each team’s tools, tool bags, and air driven nail guns, cordless/electrical tools, etc. Cleanliness of jobsite, total time to complete project, use of materials provided, and use of tools and equipment will be a part of the team score.
Instructor Contact
All instructors must refrain from any contact with students once the contest begins. No signals, texting, or use of cell phones will be allowed. To do so can result in a student being removed from the contest area and even a team being eliminated from the contest. No cell phones will be allowed in the contest area, or during breaks. Students may use cell phone during lunch time but will be penalized if cell phone causes them to be late in returning.
Contest Procedures
Teams must arrive at the training center between 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. on Thursday, October 17. Each team will register first, look around the facilities, and inspect their building site. A team meeting will be held at 8:00 a.m. for instructors and team members.
The floor frame will be pre-built to allow more time for construction of the other structures.Teams will begin with construction the wall frames then move to assembly of walls and on to roofing structure.
All activity Thursday will cease at 5:00 p.m. unless otherwise determined by contest officials. Teams should be onsite Friday morning no later than 7:45 a.m. No team may start until the signal to start has been given, (approximately 8:00 a.m.). Once wall structures are built the team leader must ask for an inspection. Window openings and door openings may be added during wall framing or after but must be inspected before any further construction can begin. Roof trusses may be assembled on the ground and then attached to wall frame, or they may be assembled on top of wall structure. After installed another inspection is called for by team leader.
After installing the roof trusses the sheathing is attached and roofing felt is installed, then metal roofing is attached. Once all roofing is installed, the team leader will again ask for an inspection.
After team leader has notified the judges the team is finished, a final inspection will be made by judges.
Any team that is not close enough to be in competition for awards will receive help from instructors to try and complete their building. All activity Friday will cease at 4:00 p.m. Clean up will start immediately. Winners will be recognized as quickly as possible so teams may leave to return home.
Additional Information
Electrical students may not assist with any tasks in the building process other than their own electrical tasks. However, electrical students may assist with handing tools or materials and raising wall frames, etc. Electrical wiring cannot start until all four wall frames are secured. At times some electrical students may have to work from outside of walls to prevent too many workers in one area.
Building materials
Team Design and Build Contest: October 17-18, 2024
Location: Tuscaloosa Career and Technology Academy, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
This form is required of all participating students in the Team Design and Build competitive event.
By signing this waiver, I assume any risk, and take full responsibility and waive any claims of personal injury, death, or damage to personal property associated with The Resource Center for Technology, Tuscaloosa Career and Technology Academy or the volunteer officials associated with the Team Design and Build event to be held in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, on October 17-18, 2024. I further agree to adhere to all CDC covid guidelines, Tuscaloosa City Schools guidelines, TCTA guidelines their employees and sponsors, judges associated with the event.
I understand and confirm that by signing this Waiver and Release I have given up considerable future legal rights. I, and one or more of my parents or legal guardians do sign this Agreement freely, voluntarily, and under no duress. Our signatures are proof of our intention to execute a complete and unconditional Waiver and Release of all liability to the full extent of the law. I certify that I am enrolled in a full-time Alabama Secondary Career and Technical Education training program and am mentally competent to enter into this waiver.
A typed or printed name is considered the same as a signed signature for the purposes of this workshop.
Student Name _____________________________________
School Name ______________________________________
Instructor Name ____________________________________
Parent/Legal Guardian Name __________________________
Return to Brian Renfroe at Tuscaloosa Career and Technology Academy, 2800 Martin Luther King Blvd, Tuscaloosa AL 35401. Forms may be presented at the contest site by the instructor. All students must have this form on file in order to compete.